Today’s Reflection is about passion, pace of life, and yoga. In a way.
Savasana is a yoga pose, often referred to as the “resting pose,” and is typically done at the end of the session. Lie flat on your back, slowly lift each leg and arm and then let them drop wherever, close your eyes, and breathe. Allow yourself to feel the gravity gently embracing your whole body, merging with the floor, and allowing each muscle to fully rest and relax. Keep breathing though. While this resting pose does sound easy, it actually is not.
“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” – Marilyn vos Savant
Savasana is not about stretching out on the floor and falling asleep, as tempting as it can be, after a good yoga session. It is about truly relaxing, while allowing the body to integrate the experience of the session, to listen, to remain relaxed yet present and fully alert. A contradiction of sorts, perhaps, yet absolutely necessary for ongoing growth, renewal, and rejuvenation.
Much like in life really. And, much like in life, we often skip this phase, because the next thing is here, knocking on our door. A new idea, an inspiring project, pending tasks. Life.
How familiar it currently is in my life, as I think about my month of August. There was a Bainbridge Graduate Institute ( faculty retreat, where we finalized a whole new curriculum, going away from the notion of separate courses, and into a much more holistic and integrated way of creating our learning experiences. Then, there was my yearly Summer Gathering event at Hollyhock on Cortes Island. An event of connection, heart, deeply saddening moments when looking at the state of the world, and also beautiful moments of inspiration and celebrations of the work many passionate individuals are doing in the world. Oftentimes, despite all odds.
And then there is the Right Livelihood Quest, which I just finished. Two groups of participants, two 5-week journeys that culminated with a full 3.5 days weekend-long retreat for each group. Tremendous gratitude, inspiration, and humility for facilitating and witnessing a process that was rich, deep, evocative, fun, inspirational, and transformational – all at the same time.
The participants walked away with a rich blend of validation, clarity, new opening, presence, peace, and passion for the way forward in their lives. Life Purpose, Vocation, Right Livelihood – all talk about the same thing really. Why am I here? What task, or rather, mission, has life been preparing me for?
“Those who have a ‘why’ can survive almost any ‘how’.” – Goethe
There has been so much for me to absorb and digest from this month of August, yet I cannot do it just yet. At least, not fully, to the depth I feel the craving for. There are several immediately pending tasks that need to be done by September 10. I am on it – truly, madly, deeply. Still, I want my savasana. Now. Only I think I will have to wait about two more weeks. As I said before, life…
A sunny week to you all, inside and out.