
Bruce Lee and the Enneagram

With a diverse and mysterious history, the image of the Enneagram (ennea-nine, gram-image) dates back at least 3500 years and represents within it an entire universe of dynamic rhythms, patterns, and laws that can be applied to virtually any aspect of reality. The Enneagram (of Personality, as it is sometimes called too) is a complex Bruce Lee and the Enneagram

Freedom and Discipline

I have this periodical and persistent drive to accomplish things. Sometimes, I also need to. Tasks to do. Projects to complete. Get “organized.” It all comes down to adding some structure, discipline, and routines to my otherwise fluid, flexible, and often unpredictable life. Get productive, because projects are happening and I am feeling behind. Or, Freedom and Discipline

House of Mirrors

One of the concepts I have recently started bringing into my teaching and into my life comes from the Conscious Leadership Group and wonderful their book, “15 Commitments of Conscious Leaders.” This particular one is about being above or below the line and while it really appears to be quite simple to grasp, it is House of Mirrors