
Doors. Closing and Opening.

It has been a very long time since the last reflection. Over a year, I believe. I am sending this one on September 21, because it is a day of profound significance for me. Today, a year ago, on September 21, 2021, a conversation happened that drastically and utterly changed the trajectory of my life. Doors. Closing and Opening.

A Quilt of Random Thoughts

There has been a lot happening as of recent, both for me personally and, obviously, in the world. As I have been witnessing it all, one common theme for a reflection has not yet revealed itself (or, perhaps, too many are percolating in my mind and heart). So I am taking a quilt approach, of A Quilt of Random Thoughts

How to Not Know

Today’s Reflection is about that interesting place, on the edge of chaos and order. I am designing a process and an experience for a class I will be teaching sometime in February of next year. Well, perhaps it is more accurate to say that I am contemplating it, rather than actually “designing.” I really don’t How to Not Know