
Beyond Hope

A student was recently sharing about a sense of hopelessness s/he was going through. Whether it was the change in weather, the upcoming USA elections, the overwhelm with work and school, or the energy crisis… there was a moment when all the reasons collided into a dark and heavy impact. S/he quoted Jimmy Carter as Beyond Hope

What’s Important

Dear friends who have been together for many years, have recently parted ways. Even though there is a house, children, and a history of common experiences, it is not a guarantee to anything, when looking into the future. Lives that have been aligned, intertwined, and deeply connected, somehow, slowly, over time, unraveled and started heading What’s Important

On a Right Livelihood Quest

Today’s Reflection is about quotes and passages, while exploring this : fascinating, and often elusive, theme of Right Livelihood. It is not “just a quest.” Rather, The Quest perhaps, on the journey of this subtle and elusive theme of Right Livelihood, Vocation, Life Purpose. At times, inspiring and fulfilling, though, more often than not, annoying, On a Right Livelihood Quest