
A Quilt of Random Thoughts

There has been a lot happening as of recent, both for me personally and, obviously, in the world. As I have been witnessing it all, one common theme for a reflection has not yet revealed itself (or, perhaps, too many are percolating in my mind and heart). So I am taking a quilt approach, of A Quilt of Random Thoughts

Loving Sadness

I might have just coined a new expression. At least, it is new to me. While I have been living with the actual experience since August of 2017, the words to articulate it are emerging only now. This is when Tobi transitioned, and this is what I am reflecting on now. The expression is Loving Loving Sadness

Say “Cheese”

Today’s Reflection is about smiling, and about not. American Visionary Art Museum is located in Baltimore, and I was recently there for a conference. One evening, we got a tour of this beautiful place, and had a chance to see and experience the What Makes Us Smile exhibition being featured in the museum. The exhibit Say “Cheese”

Oh Canada… How I Cry for Thee…

Today’s Reflection is about the elections results here in Canada, and my reaction to it. I really love what The Guardian has to say about our election results, and so am going to quite their opening from an article, titled “Canada’s cold new dawn: Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper is our version of George W Bush, Oh Canada… How I Cry for Thee…