A Profound Learning Journey

The Awakened Living program has been of tremendous value in my journey toward realizing who I truly am, and living in greater accordance with those realizations. It has helped me become more deeply rooted in the present moment, see the inherent worth in traveling the road that has been my life, and look forward with excitement instead of the dread that used to plague my mind and perceptions.
Simon Goland, as the curator of the Awakened Living program, has created a space where a community of dedicated individuals can grow, learn, experiment, and become more attuned to themselves and the oneness of things. He, as well as my cohort, have been infallible pillars of support. Free of judgment, this space has allowed me to dig deeper into myself than I ever have before. What I have found through this has been nothing short of life changing.
Through exploration of various topics such as the Enneagram of Personality, Somatic Intelligence, the Hero’s Journey, and his signature Right Livelihood Quest, this experience has been one of many instrumental factors in the evolution of the way I live. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to join this journey, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to discover the greater intricacies of who they are, the connection they have with the world, and how to live in accordance with their unique gifts.
Somatic Coaching Course
Simon is an exceptional instructor and ideally suited for this course. His solid consistence presence not only grounded my learning, but it also role-modelled the foundation for a somatic coaching practice.
Simon led us in beautiful somatic experiences. He taught methods but welcomed us to find what was true within them for ourselves. Also welcomed with humour for us to take ourselves less seriously. Deeply knowledgeable about subject matter, strong instructional and facilitative skills, highly engaging and responsive. Additionally, he was extremely organized which allowed for great flexibility in delivering lessons relevant to what the class was capable of experiencing. Very intuitive, open, gentle, kind, authentic, real, and trusting. A wonderful role model. He delivered a powerful and transformative course with relative ease and grace. He also had a beautiful way of providing feedback and sharing insights in such a way it allowed for experimentation and kept the learning fun and engaging.
This was one of the most impactful courses of the M.A. program. It really has taken my coaching presence to the next level. Highly recommend this course to be part of the core curriculum. The material brought us into a much deeper understanding of human nature and gave us real life experiences to experiment with ourselves both as human beings and as coaches. The contextual information completely supported the experiential learning and was 100% relevant to the higher calling of coaching. This should be a mandatory course for the MAEOC and should be the last course of the degree. What a way to end!!! EXCELLENT!!!
A Mystery To Solve, A Code To Crack

There are programs and then there are “programs.” Awakened Living falls under the latter. As far back as I can remember, I've always had a burning desire to better understand who I am at my core – a mystery to solve, a code to crack. Awakened Living came at a time when I was ready to take a leap of faith, question all that I assumed to be true and surrender previously held beliefs and old ways of being that no longer served me. I sensed a longing of my soul to come home, a vague memory of a distant place I couldn't remember and couldn't forget, where lies the truth of what I already am, both the shadow and the light. This year long journey felt very much like a “shedding of the skin,” with one layer peeling off after the other, until what emerged was my very essence, true and pure. Throughout this entire process, Simon, Kira, and Alison were by my side every step of the way, offering their unconditional commitment, love, and acceptance. This program is one of a kind, unique, magical, exquisite, in a league of its own. Anything less wouldn't do it justice!
A Small Adjustment to have a Meaningful Life

I just finished the Awakened Living Program. I remember saying to myself, “I have a great life but I just need a small adjustment to have a meaningful life” and then program started, and it was a rollercoaster ride for a whole year. Awakened Living Program is not counselling or coaching; it is a conscious state when you are ready to move-on and letting go what is not working to create the life you aspire to have. It is a real awakening to bring to the surface the whole full truth. If you are ready to look deep down to yourself and you are ready for a real awakening and transformation, you will be supported by Simon, Kira and Alison to an amazing program.
Clear and Impactful Understanding

I have gained clear and impactful understanding as to what Emotional Intelligence is, and who is it so important for us as leaders. Simon has walked us through the topic very well. His examples and stories were very relevant, and exercises he engaged us with were extremely helpful for me to understand the value and importance of EQ. I am walking away from this session with a deeper self-awareness and recognition of my own emotions and actions, and am already thinking of ways to both bring this knowledge to my employees, as well as ways I am going to interact differently with them. I particularly was impressed with the way Simon read the energy in the room, how he gave us great space to openly interact with each other and how he delivered such a complicated topic as Emotional Intelligence, in 3 hrs with practical tools to use. – Emotional Intelligence Training Session, Primex Leadership Team
Extremely Engaged

Simon’s encouraging and positive approach to teaching was incredible. His feedback always made you think deeper. I imagine teaching the intimate nature of coaching over a distance learning program to be difficult. Simon did a superb job of making it look effortless, effective, and deeply impactful. Simon pushed me to move beyond the sum of my current parts. I can confidently state that I am a better leader now for my people and I am working more effectively based on the valuable coaching techniques I have learned. Simon was an exceptional instructor in numerous capacities. While he expected and challenged each of us to achieve excellence, he did so in a way that was engaging and inspiring. Extremely engaged, compassionate and supportive throughout the course, with a wonderfully appropriate sense of humour. One of the most valuable, memorable, and practical courses in my whole MBA program. This course should start the MBA program! – "Coaching for Leadership/Performance” Course
Truly Transformative

The course was, in one word, “magical.” Simon Goland was amazing at facilitating, self reflection, experiential learning, and all of the “space” and exercises he provided were truly transformative. No one could have done it better. It was all perfect and exactly what it needed to be. Thank you So Much for an Excellent Class! – Leadership Development Course
Valuable, Practical and Empowering
Alison van Buuren and Simon Goland are amazing and masterful facilitators who are adept at creating a safe space and learning environment to explore new ideas, combining theory with plenty of practice. Flexible and creative in their delivery of extremely valuable and relevant content, and confident in their roles. They hold high standards and acceptance of where people are, blending compassion with an appropriate level of challenge. Excellent role modeling of the skills being taught, and amazing adaptability of the material to our actual real-life needs. You wanted us to learn. You were interested in us as participants, and you are clearly passionate about the subject of the program. Ultimately, it was excellent – valuable, practical, and empowering learning experience. Best I have attended in 20 years. – “Coaching Skills for Managers”
Already Started Shifting Our Teams…!
Simon has been doing a lot of meaningful and deeply impactful work with our teams over the past 10 years. Building effective relationships between managers and between those managers and their front line staff was increasingly challenging us in our growing acute care facility. Despite our location in a small town, we wanted to be a world-class program that met modern standards of quality and service. That goal drew us together but also triggered anxiety and frustration as our 40 strong staff figured out how to provide high quality individualized care to each patient. We began working with Simon at both a management and operations level over three years ago. Right Livelihood work and a meaningful management coaching process has elevated our program and our work environment – I would say dramatically. The managers have particularly benefited from their weekly/biweekly coaching sessions. They are more confident, productive and resilient as they work through both their routine work and special projects. Their interactions are no longer a source of stress and they have built a far stronger sense of camaraderie among themselves and with their staff. The current Conscious Leadership Program that we have embarked on has already started shifting our teams to a whole new level of functioning, cohesiveness, and performance.
I Learned A Lot More Than I Realized

"This 'Coaching for Leadership' course was a great and powerful change from a traditional course, and a deeply transformative learning experience. I learned a lot more than I realized, about coaching, about how to apply coaching to my workplace, and about myself as a leader and a human being. I had no idea how practical this course would be, and got way more out of this course than expected! Simon is an incredible instructor – collaborative, supportive, friendly, with incredibly engaged and engaging facilitation approach – and able to make challenging practical activities a relaxing and enjoyable process. The way he maintained his authenticity as a true coach throughout the entire course made it a unique experience." – Strategic Human Resources Management Certificate Program at Royal Roads University
Percolate and Grow
The “Unleashing Your Creativity and Innovation” course was well-rounded, highly engaging, inspiring, and truly transformational course. I appreciate your holistic understanding of the creative process, your presence, your humour, and your amazing ability to facilitate a group in a way that gave everyone a voice and a feeling of safety. I know that the work I did over the past weeks will continue to percolate and grow. It has certainly spawned an almost magical renaissance in this short time.
We Gained Profound Insights
The “Whole Systems Thinking and Sustainable Development” course by Simon was a tryst with an extremely powerful concept which not only helped me to better understand the interrelationships of the constituent parts of a system, but also helped me to see the whole MBA curriculum from the lens of Whole System Thinking. I could connect various concepts in different subjects with each other and then apply them even more effectively. The perfect blend between theory and practice was evident as every concept taught was followed by application in a particular activity. By the end of this two week long journey, after some wonderful simulations and our project work, we gained profound insights of sustainability and modes of application of whole systems perspective to several activities of both our personal and professional lives. Thanks a lot Simon for this excellent course, designed in a very effective manner. It was a lot of learning and fun!
Well-Delivered and Relevant for the Times We are Facing
Simon was a guest speaker at the BC CEO Network. His presentation “Creative Leadership in Times of Complexity” was well delivered and the subject was relevant for the times we are facing as leaders in the social services sector. I appreciated his positive focus, the stories he told in order to emphasize the message and the practical tools that he suggested to assist us in our leadership roles. Simon’s steady, gentle style added to his presentation!
Positive and Insightful
The Coaching Workshop Series for our directors and team leaders was extremely helpful. What worked really well were the demonstrations, the learning games, the opportunities for practice, the feedback, and the group discussions. I really appreciated the opportunities for people to be really open and honest, and the use of games and activities to gently push us outside of our comfort zone. Simon’s positive and insightful approach was invaluable, and the facilitation style – organized, fun, interesting, interactive, beautifully paced, and engaging – added tremendously to the learning experience of all. His many “real life” examples of coaching situations helped understand the impacts and benefits of coaching. The many opportunities for practice, both during and in-between the sessions, was invaluable to solidify our understanding of the subject matter. I wish we had longer days, and more of your sessions!
A Superb Session
I would highly recommend Simon for any organization who wants to offer their employees a unique, fun, deep, meaningful experience. Simon recently designed and delivered a 1 day session dealing with communication and cultural awareness for our organization. The project was demanding as it required a workshop that served learning needs of 3 unique organizations that were collaborating on a challenging project. Simon was accommodating and patient through the design process and delivered a superb session, despite last minute changes. His activities and stories about working in many cultures greatly enhanced the experience for participants. Overall, it was very positively received. Thank you Simon – you were an absolute pleasure to work with!
Spot On
I thought Simon was not only an excellent instructor but an excellent coach as well. Simon’s feedback on my coaching as well as my fellow learners was spot on and very helpful. Simon has an excellent way about him that inspires his learners and makes them want to be their best.
Simon was Instrumental
Simon was instrumental in introducing the power of creativity, innovation, and Mind Mapping tools to SSP, not just as a tactical application but also an alternative and enhanced form of visualizing problems and opportunities. The rapid growth in the use of the Mind Mapping software for everything from product and marketing strategy to proposal development demonstrates the great value of this tool in a high tech environment. At a personal level, I feel like I have been given back color and form as alternates to visualizing all problems in only written language.
The Seminar Was Fantastic
Simon designed and presented a seminar to all our student advisors. In addition, he returned after one month to meet with us for a follow up session, to further discuss any issues that we had after practicing with the skills taught in his seminar. The focus of Simon’s seminar for CGA was Coaching, Appreciative Inquiry, and Cross-Cultural Diversity. The seminar was fantastic. Simon incorporated both large group and small group interactions, allowing for our own expertise to help guide the discussion. He checked in with us often, ensuring that we related to the material and that we were connecting with the new information. His passion and concern for people came out in his teaching, and he had all of our attention for the entire day. We wanted to hear what he had to say. We were eager to see things from another perspective and learn new tips and techniques. Feedback from all staff has been very positive, and we are excited to move forward with this new learning.
Simon mobilizes people into action
Simon’s impact is felt in his capacity to evoke authenticity in the area of personal evolution. Weaving his creative energy and positive persistence, Simon’s guidance simplifies the intricate process of balance. Simon’s compassion and objectivity channel inner turmoil into manageable pieces. Trained as a professional coach, he is honest and the process has real inclusion. Simon mobilizes people into action. Results are consistent. Individuals shift out of fear and resistance and into “authority” and stability within themselves. Self-knowledge and self-appreciation emerge, increasing effectiveness, creating a conscious future aligned with personal purpose.
Everything “clicked” into place
These past two weeks have been my most profound times in this whole year-long program, preparing me to move into the world and “make it happen.” The doubts are gone, everything “clicked” into place, and the direction of my new business is clear and solid. This course was an amazing integration of flow, variety, head, heart, professionally prepared material, interactive processes, and transformative theory. I have never met a person who has such passion for what he does; even more so – how Simon role-models his teachings. Thank you for an incredible life-changing two weeks.
How to bring about a balance
I have always known that coaching is what makes a good athlete better, but I had never thought of applying that philosophy to every day life and business. Simon Goland helped to determine what things are important to me, both in my work and my personal life and how to bring about a balance of the two. I learned how to capitalize on the skills I possess and recognize when I was better off getting someone else to handle things that were not in my skill set. Simon has an assertive approach which encouraged me to do some in-depth personal examination, painful at times, but always beneficial. I can recommend lifestyle coaching for anyone who is looking for a better understanding of themselves, how they approach problems and how they deal with people.
My feet on the ground and my head in the right place
Dear Simon,
I just wanted to thank you for working with me over this last year. Public Dreams Society is a growing company and my role as the Founding Member and Artistic Director of the organization has been an ever evolving process. With growth comes change and with change adjustment not only for me but all the people I work with. I needed a chance to step away and take a look at who we are and where we want to go and I got that by spending time with you. I feel I have my feet on the ground and my head in the right place to take the steps forward, with the team, into the future. Thanks for your support and direction. All the best.
My fellow classmates and myself are still talking about Simon
When I first came into the Personal Coaching course, I did not want to be a personal coach. By day 3 I was getting interested and by day 5, I was hooked! The course made me realize the great things I can do for people I may not otherwise get a chance to work with. It also made me realize what my gifts were and exactly what it is that I believe and how I want to work with people. I absolutely enjoyed the personal coaching course and my fellow class mates and myself are still talking about Simon. He is a model for all personal coaches. And I think the stories that he shares in the class are the best. They really hit home for me and explained the point he was trying to make. Keep up the good work Simon.
Creative and Personal Satisfaction
I want you to know that meeting with you over the past two months has been a wonderful experience. You have motivated me to be truthfully introspective and begin to make some positive changes in my life. Not only am I writing again, I am writing meaningful stories that give me creative and personal satisfaction. Although continuing to meet with you indefinitely would be a positive partnership I really think that it is time for me to complete what I have started on my own. Thank you so very much Simon. You are a gifted coach and an incredible human being.
Discoveries and Revealed Long Buried Ambitions
Each session with Simon led to discoveries and revealed long buried ambitions. Where I saw confusion, Simon saw opportunity. Where I saw hurdles to jump, Simon saw paths to follow. Where I wanted change, Simon helped me achieve it – through supportive dialogue, wise counsel and friendship with a smile.
Helping Me To Achieve A New Level Of Success
Simon has been instrumental in helping me to achieve a new level of success in my personal and professional life. He has been coaching me for over six years (since I left Canada) and has helped me to experience life in Europe in a much fuller way. He has also shown me how to enjoy a richer and more diverse career, resulting in my current dream job. In short, he’s good at what he does.
I Go Home Feeling Good About Myself
I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your instruction. The large amount of ‘lab time’ has propelled our understanding of the course material much further than what ALL of us were expecting, especially compared to our previous language studies. Your method of teaching works very well with us, and many people in the class have had extremely good feedback about where they are ‘at’ with the course now. I’ve noticed that I go home feeling good about myself and the course (and confident!), instead of grumpy and frustrated like I have been the last 4 months. So THANK YOU!!! for the help in class and from the people I’ve talked to it’s unanimous, you are the best instructor we’ve had to date!
Incredibly Gentle, Yet Brilliant!
I value Simon’s perception and memory over time continuum. Simon doesn’t rub my nose in things – it’s more that I don’t have to repeat myself, and he knows my story. He follows very well, and I feel that I have his complete attention, whether we are working in person or over the telephone. He is incredibly gentle yet brilliant. Ah-ha! His insights often help my thought process gel. We work together at finding patterns, behaviours and choices. When I have accomplished a goal or made a personal victory, I want to call Simon right away. I also feel as comfortable to ask for his help when things aren’t going so great. Simon is a spectacular coach! He is also a wonderful, devoted and true friend.
Helped Me See Things From A Different Perspective
I consider my self lucky to have had Simon as my coach. With Simon’s coaching I have learned so much about my self and what my blocks are. Simon has challenged me in many different ways towards positive change. I felt that Simon was focused, ready and present for me, as a client. He helped me see things from a different perspective. I continue to be surprised at the variety of topics Simon can help me with. Simon is direct, yet gentle with a healthy sense of humour. But most of all, he gets the job done in his sessions. After each session with Simon, I felt inspired and empowered. As a newly self employed person I found the support and guidance from Simon to be invaluable. I would strongly recommend Simon as a coach to anyone. I look forward to working with Simon again.
I Would Highly Recommend
The workshop on Life in Balance was one of the most practical and action oriented workshops I’ve attended in a long time. The instructor was well versed in the topic and allowed for lots of creativity and interplay with other participants. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is interested in seeing for themselves just how simple (with the right tools) it can be to put balance back into their lives.
Inspiring The Potential For A Multifaceted Balanced Life
I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Goland’s Life In Balance Workshop. The varied media and approaches were thought provoking and the group discussion brought out perspectives and ideas which I hadn’t considered. The workshop helped me see from more than one angle that (i) my life is out of balance & why, and (ii) it is very possible to get it in better balance. Everyone in the workshop had some area in which they felt that their life wasn’t all it could be, and I found reassurance in that. Simon’s approach that life is a wheel was easy to understand and apply. When I left at the end of the workshop I had a strong sense of where it was in my life that needed some pumping up, and I had a firm plan to make the changes that would make an immediate difference. From video to group discussion, lecture to meditation, all the way through to the random ringing of the mindfulness chime, the time was well spent. Mr. Goland demonstrated how a multifaceted balanced workshop can inspire the potential for a multifaceted balanced life.
A Step Towards A More Balanced Lifestyle
Simon Goland’s Life in Balance workshop was definitely a step in the right direction for me… a step towards a more balanced lifestyle. A step towards not only examining that lifestyle but also taking action towards achieving my goals in all areas of my life. Simon is a knowledgeable, enthusiastic and “well balanced” group facilitator. This was very obvious the whole way through his presentation.
A Rich Sense of Humour With A Calm Graciousness
I found Simon to be a delightfully sensitive and astute workshop facilitator. He blended a rich sense of humour with a calm graciousness that helped me to explore my life more meaningfully and thoroughly. I was moved by how I felt so deeply cared about by Simon and of how appropriate the teachings were to me. Many thanks.